Following are some devotional thoughts from Matthew 11:28 – 30. We often read scripture in a hurried way and miss the depth of what the Spirit wants to do in our hearts. This writing will take you slowly through the words of this passage, nested within the context of other scripture and interspersed with insights of other commentators. It is intended to be read slowly and digested one bite at a time so take a few deep breaths and enjoy. . .
Come to Me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest . . .
Receive the rest
Selah (Pause and think about that)
Take My peace (yoke) upon you and learn from Me
Learn how I do it
Listen to Me
Speak My words, not yours
I am not always “nice”
I am honest, literal, truthful – in love
For I am humble and gentle in heart
Even in truth speaking, I am humble
In the bad news and hard times, I am gentle
I love you
And want your best
And you will find rest for your souls
Away from the busyness
Away from the demands
In the stillness . . .
The stillness . . .
Selah (Pause and think about that) . . .
In the stillness you can and will rest
If you come
For My yoke is easy and My burden is light
You can do it, with Me
It is not too heavy for us
I will touch you as you go,
If you come . . . and learn
Come . . . to Me . . . alone . . . Just us
Come. Learn. Rest.
What is the burden that you have been carrying alone?
What do you need to change so that you are working in the yoke with Jesus rather than “pulling the load” on your own?
Take a moment right now to respond to the invitation that you have been given and the love and rest that awaits you. Talk to Him. He is listening.